Epsylon 2018 awards

Last Friday, second-year students of University of Montreal’s bachelor’s degree in architecture presented their projects of solar mesh, which are designed and fabricated as part of one of their workshops. These solar meshes are designed to be attached to eventual curtain walls.

As a donator, Epsylon participated in this activity that benefits of the support of the Epsylon funds for the second consecutive year, for the purchase of construction materials and to honour the best projects. Tania Lefrançois, Director of business development, and Simon Manucci, Director of Sales, were part of the jury to select the winning projects.


Here are the winning teams:

1st prize (500$)
Project « Contorsion »
Camille Chabot
Ella Leroy
Gaëlle Iseulte Pelletier
Benjamin Porcher


2nd prize (300$)
Project « Rhombe »
Mina Germanov
Elsa Diem Thao Le
Mohamed Seddiki
Audrey St-Pierre


3rd prize (200$)
Project « Coriolis »
Francis Alphonso
Henri Lachance
Naomie McMahon Hodebert
Gabriel Spazuk

Congratulations to all the participants for the great quality of their work!

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